Two Artists, Different Styles, One Art Show

Karen & Karlene in front of Karen's paintings
Karen & Karlene in front of Karen’s paintings

How can I not write about my sister’s art show? Karen Hale-Jackson is not only my sister and best friend, but also a professional full-time artist who is well-known in the local art scene for her realistic depictions of mostly landscapes, riverscapes and seascapes. Karen has a strong and loyal fan base and has produced hundreds of acrylic paintings that are now all over the world in private collections.

Karlene & Karen in front of Karlene's paintings
Karlene & Karen in front of Karlene’s paintings

This week, Karen teamed up with a new talent, Karlene Francois, to open their joint exhibition at Horizon’s Art Gallery on Mucurapo Road, St. James. Karlene’s only previous experience of exhibiting her artwork was at the New Faces art show at the Hilton Hotel, the Women in Art Organisation‘s annual exhibition (she won the prize for Best in Watercolor), and the Art Society of T&T‘s annual members’ exhibition, all in 2018. Karlene’s new work depicts detailed renderings of old buildings and places, capturing their intrinsic beauty in water colour. Her ability to show the effect of light on wood or water is captivating. I especially love the two shipwreck pictures with waves beating up against an old sail boat resting on abandoned wooden pilings. The images were shocking but somehow calming and beautiful.

Karlene - Shipwreck II
Karlene - Shipwreck

Karen’s work also did not disappoint as she continues to evolve her style, using techique and experience to present gorgeous pastoral scenes without too much detail. The result is a feeling of wanting to be in that lovely scene. One of my favourites in the show is the large depiction of sail boats at anchor in Store Bay, Tobago. I presume this represented a sailing regatta and shows the old Crown Point Hotel on the cliffs in the background.

Karen - At Anchor, Store Bay

This is an excellent show of quality works of art at reasonable prices. Red dots indicating sales were in evidence even before the show started, and quickly mounted up as the opening night progressed. As always, there was a party feel to the evening with drinks being handed around and tasty cutters to sustain us. Old friends met up, family gathered and new acquantances were made. This exhibition continues until Saturday, 23rd March, and I urge all art lovers to go take a look.

Horizon's Art Gallery

Karen’s contact info:
Facebook – Karen-Hale-Jackson

Karlene’s contact info:
House of Francois –

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